- If your child is going to be absent from school we would appreciate it if you would inform the school and it is legally binding on us to require a note explaining the absence when your child returns to school. Please make use of our Online Absentee form or call in at the office to sign a note.
- A reasonable explanation is required when the child is late for school in the morning.
- Once a child has arrived at school he/she shall not leave the school without the permission of a teacher and/or the parent signs them out at the office.
- Families need to be responsible for keeping relevant staff well informed about circumstances that influence the children’s schooling and general care between 8.30am and 3.00pm.
- Custody/access rights information should be re-stated at the beginning of each year or whenever such circumstances arise or change. (Sensitive information is always treated in the strictest of confidence).
- It would be helpful if changes to normal drop off and pick up arrangements could be conveyed to staff.
- Parents or their delegates are asked not to take children from the school without notification to the classroom teacher and sign out in the book at the school office.
- If your child is absent from school, a written explanation is required by the class teacher in order to fulfil legal responsibilities.
- Should a child need to be collected during the school day for any reason, please go to the office to tap them out when leaving and tap them back in when they return.
- If students are away from school you must notify the school by 9.30am and an Absentee Note must be completed as soon as your child returns to school.
- As a requirement from the Catholic Education Office, parents MUST notify (by email or phone call) the school by 9.30am if your child/ren will be absent from school for that day. If the school has not been notified by 9.30am of your child’s absence, you will receive a SMS text message to explain the absence.
- If you have previously filled out an absentee note or notified the classroom teacher of your child’s absence then you do not have to notify the school. This applies to all students of OLC from Kindy to Year 6.
- Please try to arrange vacations so that they coincide with school holidays. If your child is to be absent from school for an extended period of time, Extended Leave Forms must be completed and lodged at the office. Click this link to access an extended leave form.
Student Absentees
Student Absentees